Tenant Helps!

What to do before you call in a maintenance request:

  • Lost power in your kitchen or bathrooms? See how to reset your GFI here
  • See step by step instructions on what to do if the dishwasher had the wrong soap used in it here
  • See step by step instructions on how to clear a clogged drain here
  • See how to match wall textures here send in a request
  • See how to clear a drain with a plunger here
  • See how to test and check batteries on detectors here
  • See how to change your furnace filter here
  • See what to do when you smell gas in the house here
  • See how to use and de-odor your garbage disposal here
  • See how to unclog your garbage disposal here
  • See how to unclog your shower or sink here
  • See how to prevent rodents from entering your house here

What You Need to Know

The Lease must be signed and returned with the deposit paid within 48 hours of the approval of the application. If this doesn’t happen, we may continue to market the property to other applicants.

All residents over 18 must sign the lease and have been approved on the tenant application. The application is $50 per adult over 18, we work on a first come first serve basis. That means the application has been submitted on the date and time it is logged. If you are an applicant that was approved, but you were not first in line on a property, we will hold your application and move it to another property within a 30 day period. For credit purposes we cannot hold it for any longer.

Once the deposit is paid, it will be used to hold the property until rent has been paid in full.  You must also bring in confirmation that utilities have been transferred to your name as of your move in date. In the future you will be able to pay rent on line, through mail or drop off your payment to the office.

Your rent must be paid prior to move-in to receive the keys. Also if your move-in date is after the 20th of the month you will need to bring in the prorated amount for that month along with the next month’s rent.

Important Rules

The goal of DJW is to provide a pleasurable experience. To accomplish this we have put together rules that must be followed to protect the peace and quiet that you deserve, and that everyone around you is entitled to. The rules:

  • Maintenance Requests: All requests must be in writing; you can email us at [email protected]
  • Renters Insurance: Understand that the owners insurance doesn’t cover any of your personal property. You are not covered for theft, vandalism, weather catastrophes, or fires. Please Purchase Renters Insurance.
  • Your safety: Keep it locked up while you are out. The storage of gas or any other combustibles in the property is not allowed. Check the smoke detector replace the 9 volt battery regularly. If you find that it isn’t working call us immediately for a replacement.
  • Locked out:If it’s during office hours we might be able to open it for you for our service fee of $35 dollars.
  • Responsibilities: Report immediately if: you notice a dripping faucet, running toilets, leaky water heater, a drip under the sink or any other items that need to be repaired. You are responsible for keeping drains in working order and for all costs of repairs for clearing stopped up toilets, sinks and all drains. Nothing should be flushed down the toilet other than human waste and toilet paper. Do not pour grease or any fats from cooking down the kitchen drain. Clean the shower drain and sinks often to avoid clogs and other related issues. Dishwashers must be used every 14 days to keep them working properly. The property must be kept clean in both sanitation and odors.
  • Occupancy: Your rental home is subject to names on the lease. If you have guests staying for longer than 7 days, please get prior approval in writing from the landlord at DJW.
  • Vehicles: You are not allowed to work on any vehicle or motorcycle in the parking area, carport or garage. This includes tire replacement, oil changes and tune ups. If you have a leaky vehicle place a catch oil pan underneath it. You are liable for cleaning up your vehicles leaky mess. No non-working cars allowed in the carport. Vehicles that are parked on locations that obstruct the view of flowing traffic in and out of the premises will be towed at owner’s expense. If assigned parking, park in the assigned area only. Guests must park their vehicles on the street.
  • Noise: Theater systems, radio’s and any other form of noise are to be kept at a volume that cannot be heard in the adjacent building. The use of all common areas (patio, parking lots, etc.) shall be between 9am and 10pm. This means that birthday parties and BBQ’s must move inside for the quiet enjoyment of others.
  • Common area: No littering! There is no littering anywhere on the driveways, hallways, or other common areas by tenants or guests. Clothing or towels shall not be hung outside on any ledge or balcony.
  • Pest Control: The tenant is responsible for all pest control. The pest control services will be at the tenants expense. The owner and landlord is not responsible for any damage to tenants or guests personal property, and furthermore we suggest that the property shall be kept clean. This will eliminate most common pest issues.
  • Garbage: You’re responsible for the property inside and out. If debris is found on the property or the adjacent property you may be found liable. Keep your trash in the proper containers and make sure it is removed frequently.
  • Smoking: No Smoking in or around the building.
  • After Hour Emergency: Call only if damage is occurring to a person or property and something can be done. Most urgent matters have to wait for daytime hours to address and fix the problem, such as power outages or noise complaints, etc. We will handle these issues in a timely manner.

Move Out Inspection and Making Money

EARLY VACATE & RE-RENTING: If you are planning for an early vacate, please notify us. Then, turn in your keys.This way we will be able to perform the walk-through inspection, returning your deposit to you sooner. If we are able to re-rent your unit within your time of obligation, you will get the rent for the overlapping period refunded to you.

SECURITY DEPOSIT: In order to prevent any misunderstanding regarding your refund, move out instructions and procedures are enclosed.  Please provide your landlord with a forwarding address in writing or email.

KEYS: All keys to the property need to be returned.  Your property will not be considered vacant until we have received your keys. Garage door openers should be left in a kitchen drawer.  There is a $50 fee if no keys are returned and a $200 fee if garage door openers are not left at the property.

MOVE OUT INSPECTION: It is not necessary for you to be present during your move-out inspection.  Although, If you would like to be present during your inspection, please call the office at least 3-5 days in advance to schedule a date. If the inspection is not scheduled, or you are not ready when inspector shows up, then it will be performed after you vacate the property. There is a charge of $35 for re-scheduling. Remember, the property should be cleaned and empty for this appointment.

STAY WITH US: If you are still deciding where to live go to djwmanagement.com

Good luck and we wish you the best with your move.

Important instructions for moving out. Use this Checklist when preparing to move out. 

  1. ___ All keys are to be returned to the office for the property to be considered vacant
  2. ___ Leave garage door openers in a kitchen drawer 
  3. ___ All floors swept, washed, and waxed.
  4. ___ All walls & ceilings dusted down & all dirt, smudges, & grease washed off.
  5. ___ Wash down all baseboards, woodwork, and windowsills.
  6. ___ Clean and wash all light fixtures and vent covers.
  7. ___ Thoroughly clean all bathroom fixtures – toilet (s), bathtub (s), showers, sinks, and cabinets.
  8. ___ Kitchen, Clean, wash inside & outside, removing all dirt & grease including kitchen sink & fixtures
  9. ___ Clean behind & between stove and refrigerator area.
  10. ___ Clean storage area.
  11. ___ Sweep & wash hallway floors and dust hallway walls.
  12. ___ Vacuum carpets, they will be professionally cleaned after you move out(If you have them professionally cleaned        you must provide a receipt when you turn in your keys)
  13. ___ Clean closets, shelves, & rods wiped down.
  14. ___ Clean all windows, storms, screens, and return them to their proper place.
  15. ___ Remove all items from attic, crawlspace, basement, yard, shed, etc.
  16. ___ Lawn, garage, outbuildings, to be free of all trash, rubbish, cigarette butts, and personal property
  17. ___ Lawn trimmed and cut properly, including removal of leaves.
  18. ___ All trash and garbage to be removed from property. DO NOT PILE up garbage at the curb.
  19. ___ Remove all garbage from property before your inspection.
  20. ___ Do not remove phone jacks, picture hooks, or curtain rods and brackets.
  21. ___ Repair or replace any broken door stops.
  22. ___ LIGHT BULBS – ALL light fixtures are to have working light bulbs in ALL bulb sockets.
  23. ___ Smoke alarm(s) will be in working order with good battery. (Replacement Battery Required) 9 volt
  24. ___ Remove any satellite dishes, TV’s  and seal all holes caused by the installation

Any repainting, repairs, cleaning, trash removal, or any other expenses correlated with returning the condition of your home to your move-in condition can be deducted from your security deposit. Your security deposit will be mailed to the forwarding address you provide within 30 days after your Move-out inspection has been completed.

We only expect you to return your home in the same condition as when you moved in.

If you have any questions, please call.  GOOD LUCK with your move!